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As we wrap up this series and look at how “Everyone Needs a Coach”, we are reminded that God wants each of us to “win the prize” of being in a relationship with Him, both now and forever. And while good coaching is important, having the right coach is critical! No matter what we do in life, as long as God is directing us and coaching us through it, we can be confident that we will succeed. July 31, 2022
Many of us love to play card, board, and online games. Most are designed to be played by two or more participants. The game of Solitaire is different. It’s a game meant to be played alone. Our lives are like the games we play…sometimes we do life interacting with others…and sometimes we go at it alone. This week Pastor Dave will share a message titled, “Solitaire: Winning Against Loneliness”. Join us as we gather together for worship and learn to identify the causes of loneliness, as well as some tools to overcome loneliness when it comes along. July 24, 2022
“If only somebody would have sent me home!: That’s the grumbling of a runner stuck on third base when none of his teammates can drive-in a run. The Church is like a baseball team. None of us can win without the encouragement, work, love, and support of our teammates. As we continue our sermon series, “The Games of Life,” Pastor Mark preaches a message titled, “Baseball: Life is a Team Sport”, and we’ll uncover the direction and guidelines for living, loving, and thriving as the church that Jesus leads. July 17, 2022
In the game of Texas Hold’Em, a player can “go all in” and bet all their poker chips. It’s a risky move but can lead to a huge payoff. To fully experience what God desires for us in life, we too need to be willing to step out and take risks. As we do, we’ll be blessed with a life that is exciting and full of growth, service, and opportunities to share the love of Christ with others! July 10, 2022
In sports, there’s a clear winner and a clear loser, and the winner walks away with the prize. When it comes to life, however, the Bible’s definition of “winning” is much different. This Sunday, we’ll learn what matters most in life, as well as discover some winning strategies for success in “Life, the Big Game”. July 3, 2022
Who can truly comprehend the deep love that God has for us? He says it’s deeper than a mother’s love for her child. He says it’s steadfast, enduring and patient. God’s love drives away fear and inspires us to be selfless. And He showed us the highest form of love as He gave up His Son for us, to pay the debt we owe for our sin. In our last week of this “Monumental” sermon series, join us as Pastor Mark explores “God’s Deep Love for Us” June 26, 2022
Have you ever felt abandoned by God? Where is He? Does He sometimes leave us for a while? This week we’ll continue in our sermon series, “Monumental: Celebrating the Goodness of God”. Join us as Pastor Mark reminds us that “God is Everywhere”. Even in our brokenness, loneliness and hurt, God promises to never leave us nor forsake us. June 19, 2022
Almost everything God does or says is a surprise. He parted the sea for the Israelites to escape. Surprise! He tells us He loves us despite our sin and rebellion. Surprise! He gives extraordinary comfort and peace in the middle of our darkest experiences. Surprise! This Sunday, Pastor Mark begins this series with, “God is Surprising”. June 12, 2022
This Sunday, we wrap up the “Timeless” sermon series. Pastor Dave will examine King David’s life to glean the timeless characteristic of Godliness. You may scratch your head and ask, “Are you talking about David the adulterer and murderer?” It’s true… David messed up, more than once. We also know that David had some wonderful victories! And yet, in both circumstances, he had a humble heart. When David was victorious, he gave God the credit. When he messed up, he cried for help. Join us as we explore ways for you to live a life of godliness. June 5, 2022
Confidence is a good thing. But what about when you run out of options? What happens when there is nothing you can do; when you’re desperate? Jehoshaphat, a good king of Judah, was facing enemies that surely would destroy him and his people. But he responded with real, authentic humility. He told God. “We don’t know what to do. But our eyes are on You.” We can learn a lot from that. Join us as we look at 2 Chronicles 20 and the story of Jehoshaphat, and learn more about biblical humility. May 29, 2022
“The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you… So, Abram left.” This verse, Genesis 12:1, 4a, is extremely significant. God chooses Abram as the first step in building the nation of Israel. God intends to accomplish His will through this man and his family. He asks Abram to leave behind everyone and everything he knows. Abram obeys God’s call, and heads into the land of Canaan, territory which God promises to Abram’s offering. May 22, 2022
Daniel lived in a hostile land yet refused to compromise what he believed, who he was, or how he was to live his life. As we continue our series called, “Timeless: Life Lessons from Old Testament Characters”, we will learn through Daniel’s example what it means to live and act with integrity as God’s chosen people, living in a hostile culture today. May 15, 2022
None of us want to be known as a coward. We all want to be courageous. But what does real courage look like, and who gives it to us? This Sunday, Pastor Mark will continue to explore the timeless character traits that God would like to see in all of us. We’ll learn about the prophetess and judge, Deborah, and how her focus drove her courage, and how that courage was enough for two people. May 8, 2022
As we launch this new sermon series on Sunday, we big by looking at Noah and the faith he demonstrated in his life. As God builds and strengthens our own faith, we rejoice in the many opportunities we have to live out our faith, as well as share it with others. May 1, 2022
I John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” God is telling us that His love, in us, ought to flow out to others. This can manifest itself in many ways, including missions. This Sunday is Mission’s Sunday at Royal Redeemer and we’ll look into Jesus’ command to go and make disciples, baptize and teach. You’ll hear from several missionaries from Royal Redeemer as they share how they’ve done missions, how it has benefitted the recipients, and how it has changed them. April 24, 2022
It doesn’t take much to realize that good news rarely comes from a graveyard. Yet, on that first Easter, that is precisely what happened! And, because of the implications of His resurrection, millions of people around the world today use Easter as a day to remember, rejoice and even re-think the significant impact Jesus and His Indisputable Victory has made on this world. As we conclude our series “Who Is Jesus”, we rejoice and celebrate the many blessings that are ours through faith in Christ, our living Savior! April 17, 2022
Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary figure of all time. His incredible life has impacted history in a way like no one else. But, who is Jesus? Some people see Him as a miracle worker, a prophet, a great teacher, a holy man. Yet, even then, the question still lingers throughout the world: who is Jesus? Fortunately, the Gospels give us a great glimpse into the person and life of Jesus of Nazareth to help us answer that question and point the world to the truth of God’s Son. April 15, 2022
In our culture, information abounds, but wisdom can be scarce. Wisdom can almost seem mystical and secretive, yet the Bible presents an Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary figure of all time. His incredible life has impacted history in a way like no one else. But, who is Jesus? Some people see Him as a miracle worker, a prophet, a great teacher, a holy man. Yet, even then, the question still lingers throughout the world: who is Jesus? Fortunately, the Gospels give us a great glimpse into the person and life of Jesus of Nazareth to help us answer that question and point the world to the truth of God’s Son. April 14, 2022
When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday, he received as a hero. However, when Jesus didn’t meet the expectations of the Jewish people looking for a political Messiah, they cried out for His crucifixion. The good news is that, in the face of such pressure, Jesus remained focused on His purpose and, through His death and resurrection, now brings us true freedom by God’s grace. As we continue in this series, “Who Is Jesus?”, we celebrate and give thanks for our Lord and His Unwavering Agenda! April 10, 2022
Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus encountered people from various walks of life and backgrounds. What’s amazing is how each interaction offered Him an opportunity to share the one thing He considered to be greater than anything else in the world: love. As we continue in this series, “Who is Jesus?” and look at “His Indiscriminate Love”, we give thanks that He graciously continues to offer this same wonderful love to each of us today. April 3, 2022
When David wrote the 23rd Psalm, he could have chosen to address the Lord as “King” or “Fortress” or “Deliverer”. Instead, he chose the simple word “Shepherd.” As we continue in our Lenten series, “Who Is Jesus?”, we rejoice that Jesus offers us “His Shepherding Care” and graciously meets our needs, comforts us with His protective presence, and fills us with the hope of a blessing-filled life now and for all eternity. March 27, 2022
The most important question each of us needs to answer is, “Who Is Jesus?” Hopefully, you would answer that He is your Lord and Savior! As we continue in our series looking at the proof and evidence of who Jesus is, Pastor Dave will be reminding us of Jesus’ Undeniable Power. The definition of powerful is to possess authority, control. and influence over others. This Sunday, we’ll look at the power of Jesus’ name, the power of His love, and the power of His peace through the storms of life. We’ll also examine the evidence of His power over creation, His miracles, and over sin, death, and the devil. March 20, 2022
Many people agree that Jesus was a great teacher because of the way He taught, the illustrations He used, and the fact that His teachings were so easily applied to everyday life. As we continue in our Lenten series, “Who is Jesus?”, We will have a message that focuses on our Lord and “His Transformational Teaching”. Even though Jesus is no longer here “in the flesh” to speak to us, He still effectively teaches us in ways that provide us with the guidance and instruction we need today. March 13, 2022
Jesus provides direct access to God the Father. Because of this, we don’t have to make sacrifices, find the correct holy man, or do “required” religious activities. It also means we benefit from all the riches of heaven like forgiveness, peace, hope, joy, and more. This Sunday, as we work through our Lenten sermon series, Pastor Mark will share a message about Jesus and “His Extraordinary Accessibility”. March 6, 2022
Lent is a time we set aside each year to remember the love of God that is poured out through Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection which brings eternal life to all people everywhere. While Lent has a solemn nature to it, it is designed to remind us of our sin and mortality. Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent. March 2, 2022
When are words more than words? God says, “always.” There are more than 1,700 instances in the Bible where God gives instructions for our speech and the way we use words. We can say there are few things that God takes more seriously than words, His Word, our words. This Sunday as we are concluding our sermon series, “Proverbs: Wisdom to Fool-proof Your Life,” Pastor Rein will look at God’s way to make our words fool-proof. February 27, 2022
Have you ever had someone tell you that “your reputation precedes you?” Was that a compliment or an insult? We know that our reputations are fragile, sometimes tainted by rumors, gossip, and lies. But if we’re honest, most of the time, our reputations are based on our words, our actions, our integrity, and our faith. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Dave explores “fool-proofing your reputation” by being loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. February 20, 2022
We are a society saturated by sex. As a result of living outside of God’s plan, countless people have ended up with lives filled with serious personal issues, regret, brokenness, hurt, and shame. Thankfully there is a better way than the world’s way. Through the wisdom found within God’s Word, we will learn how you can find a path of truth that leads to healing, guidance, and the power to “make your sex life fool-proof”. February 13, 2022
When God gives us new life, He demands a reprioritizing of things. And priority is a good way to think about how we schedule our time. We ask, “What is important, and what is not?” This Sunday as we continue our sermon series, “The Book of Proverbs, Wisdom to Fool-proof Your Life,” we’ll be learning why “Making Your Schedule Fool-proof” is important. How do you fill-in your schedule? And what do you consider important? You might be surprised by what the New Testament says we should schedule every day. February 6, 2022
Who is your best friend? How do you choose your friends? Does it really matter? This week as we are continuing our sermon series, “Proverbs: Wisdom to Fool-proof your Life,” we’ll learn how to “Make our Friendships Fool-Proof.” The book of Proverbs has a lot of wisdom to share regarding the people whom we spend our time, and how to be a better friend, too. January 30, 2022
Family relationships are foundational to life, and when we have strong family relationships, we tend to have a strong life. But to enjoy strong family relationships, they need to be built upon the wisdom of God’s Word. As we continue our series on the book of Proverbs, we will look at the wisdom that God offers for several key areas of our relationships, and how that wisdom can help make our family fool-proof. January 23, 2022
We all struggle with anger, some of us more than others. It is also difficult to have a close relationship with someone who’s always losing their temper. This weekend, we continue in our series on the book of Proverbs and look at what is involved in “Making My Temper Fool Proof”. We rejoice in God’s grace and love, along with the wisdom found within His Word, that helps to equip us in developing and living out a self-controlled life. January 23, 2022
God loves us and wants us to live with wisdom to enjoy His blessings. Through Solomon, God has given us a book of wisdom called Proverbs. More than general knowledge or even common sense, wisdom allows us to see and respond to life from God’s point of view. As we read God’s Word and put it into practice, we will quickly discover and enjoy the many advantages of living in alignment with His wisdom. Join us this weekend for, “Making Your Life Fool-proof.” January 23, 2022