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March 2022

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Friday – May 8, 2020

Today is the second day of a devotional journey we are taking so we can begin living a healthier life… to deal with our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. We will invite the Lord to take us by the hand and help us to make healthy choices… and to become all that He has hand crafted us to be! To find our strength, Peace, direction, and Hope in Him alone!

Yesterday, I asked you two personal questions:

  • If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be? How has it impacted you over the years? How has it impacted others? Why is it still an issue?
  • If you could change one thing about your present life, what would it be? How does it impact you? Does your life seem unmanageable? What would you want / need to change, if only you could?

Don’t be too quick to dismiss this question…the answer can change your life forever. I would contend that we all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups in our lives…perhaps:

  • Someone has HURT you. They did something to you, said hurtful things, let you down, excluded you.
  • You have a HABIT that you can’t stop, and it controls your life. Maybe an addiction to gossip, pornography, eating, shopping, alcohol. It has had awful consequences on you, your family, friends, finances.
  • You have a HANG-UP. You can not control your anger, pride, grief.

Today I want you to focus on that biggest issue, the one that makes your life the most unmanageable. Focus on that hurt, habit, hang-up. Now, wrestle with this question…”is that really the issue… or is it just a symptom of the real issue?” For instance, let’s say your answer is… My relationship with my spouse is the biggest issue in my life! I would ask “why” do you say that? You might answer:

  • My spouse is always fighting with me….why?
  • She says I’m lazy and can’t hold a job……why?
  • My bosses don’t respect me….why?
  • They say I am always late for work?….why?
  • Well, I get drunk at night and have a hang-over….why?
  • I have a low self esteem……why?
  • And eventually those why questions will lead to your biggest hurt, habit. or hang-up!

You can not deal with an issue until you identify it, name it, and own it. Some of the materials that I will be using in this series of devotions comes from a book by John Baker called “Life’s Healing Choices.” He uses 8 healthy steps or choices (based on the Beatitudes) to a healthier life. This first (and foundational) step is called “the reality choice”…it’s when we admit we are not God and we have an area of our life that is out of control.

Have you ever wrestled with this verse?  Romans 7:15-20 (msg)… What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise. So if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary.  But I need something more! For if I know the law but still can’t keep it, and if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don’t have what it takes. I can will it, but I can’t do it. I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.

If that sounds like you….Welcome to the human race!!!!

For some of you, you have struggled for years…..for others, this coronavirus world we are living in has created newer hurts, habits, hang-ups in your life. Either way, God wants you to deal with them…and His Word will lead you through the process. That’s good news because on our own we will fail.

We try to ignore the problem, deny it’s an issue, rationalize why it’s ok. I talked with a couple whose marriage was broken due to alcohol and abuse. The wife finally called to say that she and the kids moved out. The husband came home to a note and called me to complain that she left. He said she had a lot of nerve leaving him. I asked him why she left. He said “I don’t know.”…I said try to guess. He said “she would say I drink too much.”…I asked if it were true and he said “I don’t think so, I could quit anytime and I don’t think I have a problem.”…So, I asked him why she thought he did, and he said well “I drink more than anyone else.”… I said how much do you drink, he said “about 5/6 beers a night and that she and the kids don’t understand that it’s not a problem.”….that is what denial is all about…He can never fix the problem if he denies it exists.

Many times, we try to play God by controlling our image, controlling other people, and controlling our pain. We will not change until the pain is greater than the fear of change. We try to control our pain. Unfortunately, we are not God! Chevy Chase would come on Saturday Night Live and say “Hi, I’m Chevy Chase, and you’re not”…can you hear God saying to you “Hi, I’m God and you’re not.” This is foundational!!! It’s the start to healing. Matthew 5:3… “Blessed are the poor in spirit,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

A tv repairmanwas asked about the worst kind of damage he had ever seen to a television set…he said” the kind that results from people trying to fix their tv on their own!” The first step for each of us is to realize that you are not God…and are powerless to fix your hurt, habit, hang-up on your own. The good news is that you don’t have to do it on your own! God’s Word, His church, and pastors like me are there to help you make healthy choices and renew your Joy!!!!!

You may be saying…”I don’t like this devotion! It sounds like work…it gets too close to home!” Good! These next days can change your life forever! What needs to change in your life? What hurt, habit, hang-up have you been trying but failing to ignore? Stop right now and admit to God that you are powerless to manage this (and all) area of your life. Then commit to working with me as we go through these next devotions.

I thought I would throw in a bonus today. I saw this years ago (by many authors) and thought it was some great advice to live by, they are called the 7 ups:

  • WAKE UP…Begin each day with the Lord. It’s His day, rejoice in it!
  • DRESS UP…Put on a smile! It improves your looks and says something about your spiritual health!
  • SHUT UP…Watch what you say. Don’t gossip. Say nice things. Learn to listen!
  • STAND UP…Take a stand for what you believe…resist evil…do good!
  • LOOK UP…Open your eyes to the Lord and what He is doing. After all, He is your Savior!
  • REACH UP…Spend time in prayer with adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplications to the Lord!
  • LIFT UP…Lift up those in need…serving, supporting, and sharing! This is especially important in today’s situations!!!

Today we looked at the first step to living a healthy life…to admit we are not God and our lives can be unmanageable. On Monday we will look at the second step…Looking at who is God in your life.

My next devotion will be on Monday. Be sure to go to over the weekend to worship with us…and to check out many other options to enhance your spiritual journey…and to connect with us! Thank moms if you can…and thank God if He has called them home.

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Thursday – May 7, 2020

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be? How has it impacted you over the years? How has it impacted others? Why is it still an issue?

If you could change one thing about your present life, what would it be? How does it impact you? Does your life seem unmanageable? What would you want/need to change, if only you could?

Sounds like some heavy questions…and yet very important ones.

Psalm 139 is a great Psalm about seeking God in our lives, perhaps verses 23-24 can help… Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

About 10 years ago, I came across a program called Celebrate Recovery. The premise of it intrigued me. It was based on the fact that all of us have hurts, habits, and hang-ups in our lives….and that they make our lives seem unmanageable! We don’t seem to know how to deal with them, and so we ignore them, deny them, blame others for them…and continue to make unhealthy choices…and those choices impact us, as well as those around us. I purchased materials, planned, and started a group at RR and it fell flat on it’s face. What was I doing wrong? I started with a light dinner, a worship team leading singing, and followed the materials provided step by step. For all the hope I had…we averaged only 1 person per week for months until I canceled the program. I asked a few people that I felt should have come “why aren’t you coming?” Their answers were interesting. “I’m not celebrating anything” …or “I’m not a heroin addict” …or “I’m not in recovery!” The title Celebrate Recovery was confusing…it did not attract people who really needed it (and we all do!) to come along for the journey.

I asked myself what was I trying to accomplish, what was the message I needed to state? I changed the title to state a fact that we all know that…. LIFE HURT GOD HEALS!

Why does LIFE HURT? SIN! God created a perfect world (”it was very good”)! Put Adam and Eve into that paradise with one choice (don’t eat the fruit of tree of good and EVIL…it will harm you!). They sinned…you and I sin…and we are not in the Garden of Eden any longer. Romans 3:23…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and Romans 5:12…Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. Everything is tainted with sin. People HURT us and we HURT them! We all have sinful HABITS and addictions that cause us to be out of control and cause pain! We all have and are impacted by other people’s HANG-UPS. Things like pride, anger, and grief.

How does GOD HEAL? Well, The God who created the perfect world, hand made you! He loves you in spite of your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. And yet the wage of sin is death, and God is a just God, someone must die for your sins. The good news is that He loves you so much that He cannot imagine spending eternity without you there with Him in His heavenly kingdom. John 3:16…For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. He sent His son, Jesus, to live a perfect life, die in you place, so that He can restore the relationship with you. You have eternal life thru faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That is good enough, but Jesus goes even further by wanting to help you deal with your hurts, habits, hang-ups…to make healthy choices…to deal with those issues and the collateral damage they cause!

I changed the title of my Tuesday night group to LIFE HURTS GOD HEALS about 8 years ago, did an 8 week sermon series on 8 healthy choices we need to make, and hundreds have worked through their hurts, habits and hang-ups since then.

God knows about your issues and is the only way to healing. John 6:14…Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.

A man named Jack was walking along a steep cliff one day when he accidentally got too close to the edge and fell. On the way down he grabbed a branch, which temporarily stopped his fall. He looked down and to his horror it was more than a thousand feet. He couldn’t hang onto the branch forever, and there was no way for him to climb up the steep wall of the cliff. So, Jack began yelling for help, hoping that someone passing by would hear him and lower a rope or something. (“HELP!  HELP!  Is anyone up there?  HELP!”) He yelled for hours, but no one heard him.  He was about to give up when he heard a voice.

“Jack. Jack.  Can you hear me?”

“Yes, yes! I can hear you.  I’m down here!”

“I can see you, Jack. Are you alright?”

“Yes, but…who are you, and where are you?”

“I am the Lord, Jack.I’m everywhere.”

“The Lord? You mean, God?”

“That’s Me.”

“God, please help me! I promise – if You will get me down from here, I’ll stop sinning.  I’ll be a really good person.  I’ll serve You for the rest of my life.”

“Easy on the promises, Jack. Let’s just get you down from there; then we can talk.  Now, here is what I want you to do. Listen carefully.”

“I’ll do anything, Lord. Just tell me what to do.”

“Okay. Let go of the branch.”


“I said, let go of the branch. Just trust Me. Let go.”

There was a long silence. Finally, Jack yelled, “Help, help, is there anyone else up there?”

Have you ever felt like Jack?  We say that we want to know the will of God…. but when we find out what it is, it sounds too scary, too difficult.  We decide to look elsewhere. When He says, “Let go of the things that stand between you and Me, and trust Me with your life,” it sounds pretty scary.  But when we let go, we find freedom and safety in His hands.

So…here is my plan for us. With the help of these next devotions, we are going to go on a journey to living a healthier life…to deal with our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. We will invite the Lord to take us by the hand and help us to make healthy choices and to become all that He has hand crafted us to be!

What I want you to do is go back to the beginning of this devotion and pray for God to help you answer those first few questions. If you answer them honestly, it might seem scary at first. Don’t be afraid to answer them because we will work through the healthy steps to a Joy filled, God pleasing, Christ centered life!

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Wednesday – May 6, 2020

Pillsbury Dough Boy wanted for attempted murder

A lady named Linda went to Arkansas last week to visit her in-laws, and while there, went to a store. She parked next to a car with a woman sitting in it, her eyes closed and hands behind her head, apparently sleeping. When Linda came out a while later, she again saw the woman, her hands still behind her head but with her eyes open.

The woman looked very strange, so Linda tapped on the window and said, “Are you okay?” The woman answered, “I’ve been shot in the head, and I am holding my brains in.”

Linda didn’t know what to do, so she ran into the store, where store workers called the paramedics. They had to break into the car because the door was locked. When they got in, they found that the woman had bread dough on the back of her head and in her hands.

A Pillsbury biscuit cannister had exploded, apparently from the heat in the car, making a loud explosion like that of a gunshot, and hit her in the head. When she reached back to find what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She passed out from fright at first, then attempted to hold her brains in.

Now that is a funny image! And yet we all face times when life is not a funny mistake. Times when we get hit with bad news, bad issues, bad seasons of life! When our minds take us to dark places. Maybe this coronavirus has you in a bad place right now.

We have been talking about prayer, now for the third day. If you missed the other 2 devotions, scroll down to view them!

I shared some of the prayers and the people that I pray for…Here is an important section of my daily prayers.

“Lord, be with those that are lonely and neglected, abused and intimidated, facing fear, pain, grief, distress, depression, anxiety, loneliness, facing hurts, habits, and hang-ups.”

Take some time to carefully ponder that list and identify which of those areas you may be struggling with. It’s a long list and most of us can relate to a few of these at any time in our lives. It’s all part of living in a post Garden of Eden world. Talk to the Lord about the ones that are making your life unmanageable. Turn to the Lord for direction and comfort. Call me and let’s see what a healthy next step can look like. Seek God’s Peace that is beyond our human understanding.

John 14:27…Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

1 Peter 5:7…Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

 Now, go back over the list and think about those you know who are struggling with one or more of those issues. Maybe a family member, friend or neighbor.

What would God have you do? Do you realize that you may be the answer to their prayer? God may want to work thru you into their struggles!

1 Thessalonians 5:11…Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.

I saw a devotion that caught my eye, it was about going to the beach and trying to find shells in the sand. We look for the perfect, unbroken ones…the bigger and more beautiful the better. There are countless varieties like conch, scallop, oyster…some from far away washed up on the shore. But what about the broken ones? They tend to get ignored, overlooked, and passed by, or worse yet, stepped on and broken further. No one seems to be seeking them or finding value in them.

It’s the same with people. Do the people that you have identified from my list of brokenness feel like those shells? Do people pass them by for those that seem more “whole?” Do people try to ignore and overlook their brokenness…not sure what to say or do? Maybe too busy to stop and help…thinking let someone else help them.

How about you? Will you stop to help them? What if it were Jesus? Would you offer Him help?  Matthew 25:37-40… “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

So, again I ask you, who can you reach out to? Many have suffered for a long time…while others more recently with coronavirus related issues. Who is God nudging you to call or text? Will you take the time to let them know that you care? Will you listen to their story? Will you tell them that you are praying for them? Do you pray for God to tell you how to help them? Can you refer them to someone like myself for further help? Can you send them a card…or help with a financial issue?

The greatest gift that you have…and that you can give someone is to point them to the Love of Jesus. What if you helped give those that are lonely and neglected, abused and intimidated, facing fear, pain, grief, distress, depression, anxiety, facing hurts, habits, and hang-ups the gift that they need most?… Invite them into a relationship with the Lord who can replace those negative things with God’s gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control! (Galatians 5:22)

So…that is the end of my 3-part devotion on prayer! I wanted to end it with a quote that I read …..In prayer, I confess once again that I won’t ever be what I’m supposed to be and do what I’m supposed to do without the forgiving, empowering, and delivering grace of the One to whom I am praying!

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Tuesday – May 5, 2020

Yesterday, I laid out some thoughts on prayer. If you missed it scroll down one entry and you can find it there.

We have the great privilege and joy to be able to talk God about all things…the good and the not so good. And yet, we tend to pray more when things are imploding before our eyes. We cry out for help!

One of my favorite stories about tough times is:

There was an old man who had a beautiful horse. This horse was not only his family’s pride and joy, but it was also a means to an income for the family.

One day, the horse ran away. Fellow villagers visited the old man to give their condolences for such a stroke of bad luck, as the loss of his horse represented a staggering financial blow that would be hard to recover from .“Good luck, bad luck: Who can tell?” replied the old man. “It is as it is. My horse is gone.”

Perplexed at the man’s nonchalance towards the apparent tragedy, the villagers went about their business.

A few days later, the horse returned with a pack of 12 wild horses in tow. Again, the villagers gathered, this time to offer their congratulations at such a stroke of good luck. Now he had 12 more horses with which to make 12 times the income! What a godsend, they said.“Good luck, bad luck: Who can tell?” replied the old man again. “All I see is that 12 more horses have appeared.”

The next week, while breaking in one of the wild horses, the old man’s son fell, and both his legs were broken.What bad luck! The villagers exclaimed. Your son has broken both of his legs. That’s terrible. How will you get your work done? You are too old to do it yourself. “Good luck, bad luck: Who can tell?” was the (now predictable and equally frustrating) answer of the old man. “My son has broken his legs. That is all I know.”

Shortly thereafter, the government forcibly removed all the able-bodied men from the village, as the country had gone to war. The old man’s son, however, was spared since his legs were broken. Good luck, bad luck: Who can tell?

…and on it goes. We tend to live our own lives careening from one “good luck” occurrence to another “bad luck” event? When things are going well, we’re happy and we think God’s will is a good thing.If they are going badly, we get discouraged and think that God must have abandoned us. We end up being tossed about by our circumstances.

Maybe we could stand to take a dose of medicine from the old man in this story, simply observing the events in our lives for what they are instead of drawing grandiose conclusions about the ultimate karma or fate of what has happened to us. To seek God in the midst of the so-called bad luck. To seek God’s direction and Hope as we face those things…to trust that He will walk alongside of us and bring good out of them.

The fact is that we really don’t have to worry in our circumstances, because no matter what, we have hope in Christ.“We know that in everything, God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28). That’s what His good, loving , pleasing will is all about!!

So, that was a fun illustration, but what about our everyday “real” life?

I had a lady come to speak with me a number of years ago. She told me her life seemed upside down. She went into work and was told that she had been downsized out of her job. She had a great job at a large bank, head of her department, and was there for 20+ years. Two banks merged and her position went to the other person. “That would be bad enough” she said, but her husband of 23 years announced, “he did not want to be married anymore!” Needless to say, her whole identity was changing in a matter of a week! We talked, she had a great faith in God watching over her and the kids. We talked about keeping her eyes open to God in the midst of the storm. We prayed and she left my office. About a month later she came back in to see me. “God is good!” she said. She announced that she got a new job. “It is better than my old job,” she said! “I thought I had a good job, so I never looked into changing jobs. Losing my job turned out to be a blessing. This new job fits me better in all ways.” She then went on to explain that she could not have handled her husband’s situation while working at the old job…but with 3 weeks off, they were able to talk and deal with the best way to end the marriage.

God did not cause her to lose her job or her marriage….but as promised, He brought good out of it.

We don’t always see the results that fast and obvious, but we should always trust His Word! That is a great enough story…but in talking to this lady to get her permission to use her story in this devotion, she said the blessings are still coming. A few years later, she was nudged to go on a mission trip…she met a great guy on that trip…they have been dating for a year now! When you trust the Lord, hang on for the ride of your life!

So, what areas of your life seem like “good luck?” Areas that you feel close to God, can feel His presence, where God’s blessings are overflowing. Do you take time to thank the Lord for each and every one of His blessings in your life?Your physical health, relationships, financial blessings, emotional state of mind. When all is well…thank the giver of all good things! James 1:17… Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Always remember that the biggest issue that you will ever face is that of sin. The fact that left on our own we are doomed to eternity in hell. But the good news is that Jesus took care of that problem for you…on the cross. He loves you in spite of you!Take time to thank Him right now!

So, let’s get personal, what areas of your life seem like “bad luck?” Times when you don’t feel God with you.(note that the problem is on your side: He will never leave you or forsake you.) For many of you, this coronavirus situation has caused much distress in your life! Life seems upside down, confused, and gloomy. Do you turn to the Lord for strength, guidance, Hope? Like the guy in our horse story, do you look for God in good times and the bad? Do you see this down time as a smaller part of a bigger picture? Do you seek God’s Peace in the midst of the current storm? Deuteronomy 31:6… “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

With God by your side, you will get through this time. The question is, what good will He bring and what changes does He want you to make?

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Monday – May 4, 2020

How is your prayer life? When I ask people that question, I get a wide variety of answers. Some say “great, I pray before all of my meals.” Others say, “pretty good, I know I can talk to God when I need Him.” Still others say, “I don’t pray anymore because He never seems to give me what I ask for.”

I think most of us would roll our eyes at those types of answers, but again I ask you personally “how is your prayer life?”

Let’s start by asking the question…What is prayer? Luther’s catechism says that prayer is speaking to God in words and thoughts. So, what should we pray about? Again, the catechism says we should ask for anything that tends to the glory of God, and to our own and our neighbor’s welfare, both spiritual and bodily blessings. We should also praise and thank God for who He is and what He has done. Seems to me, we can talk with God about anything! We can pray silently as well as out loud or even in song. We can pray a memorized prayer like the Lord’s prayer as well as just talking to your Lord. We can pray kneeling, standing, sitting, walking, driving, anywhere and anytime. We can pray for ourselves, family, friends, people you don’t even know. We can and should pray for forgiveness and restoration. The main point is for you to PRAY OFTEN.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18…Rejoice always,  pray continually give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

An overweight man decided it was time to shed some pounds. He informed his coworkers that he was going on a diet and would no longer be bringing donuts to the office. He knew it would be hard to resist stopping at the bakery on the way to work, but he committed himself to remaining strong and resisting temptation.

His coworkers were surprised one morning to see him arrive at the office with a big box of donuts. When they reminded him of his diet, he just smiled.

“These are very special donuts,” he explained. “When I left for the office this morning, I knew I was going to drive by the bakery, and I wondered if maybe the Lord might want me to have some donuts today. I wasn’t sure, so I prayed, ‘Lord, if you want me to stop and buy some donuts, let there be an open parking place directly in front of the bakery.’ As you know, parking places in front of that bakery are hard to get!”

“So, the parking place was there?” one of his coworkers asked.

“It was a miracle,” the man replied. “The eighth time around the block, there it was!”

Ouch…I don’t think that is what God is looking for in our prayers. We should not try to manipulate God into rubber stamping what we have already decided to do. Reminds me of Jesus. He did not want to have to die on the cross, so He prayed to the Father. He did not demand things go His way, instead He prayed in Luke 22:42… “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Our prayers should always be in praise and worship…seeking God’s will for our situation and life choices. God (our loving Father) wants us to talk to Him about everything, our concerns, our Joy, our sorrow. But we need to remember that He hears the prayers of all Christians and answers in His own way and His own time.

I want to share my daily prayer life, perhaps it will help yours.

  • First thing in the morning, I stumble out of bed into a long hot shower (opens my sinuses). While there I talk to God. I thank Him for keeping me safe over the night, thank Him for this new day, seek His direction for the plans and tasks that I have scheduled. I then pray for my family individually by name and situation. Part of that prayer for them is…Lord / make them men and women of God / men and women of integrity / that they know You as Lord and Savior / that they live accordingly / that You bind up Satan and evil and boot him out / and replace that void with more of your Holy spirit. Take a few minutes to process each section of this prayer…and then offer it up for your loved ones.
  • Really….go back and pray that prayer for your family…then continue on!
  • After I get dressed, I then walk for 1-3 miles for exercise. That’s when I pray for others including many of you. I ask for physical, emotional, spiritual, financial blessings. I pray for you to be good stewards of His blessings…to get to know God a little better and to grow a little closer to Him today. I pray for my neighbors, the church, city, issues of the day type things…as well prayers of thanks for His many blessings.
  • I stay connected with God throughout the day. Short conversations, seeking His will, having a thankful heart for all of His blessings, and inviting Him into each of my thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Then right before bed, as I am winding down and brushing my teeth, I end the day in a short prayer to God. Thanking Him for the day, assessing how I did with each new opportunity, confessing any way that I have let Him down today. I then ask Him for a safe, healthy, refreshing night sleep for me…and for my family.

I am not saying that my way is right for you, but perhaps it helps you make a plan for your time with the Lord. Start out slowly and add as time goes by.

Take a minute to think over what a normal day’s prayer life looks like for you. Do you connect with God regularly and often? Are there any changes He would want you to make regarding your prayer life? Do you praise Him, seek His will, confess and seek re-direction? Do you lift up the needs of family…friend…co-workers…neighbors? Do you pray for your enemies…and those who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior?

In this unique season of all of our lives, are you lifting up those impacted by this current pandemic? Those suffering with the coronavirus, those who have lost loved ones. Those out working in places that put them in danger. Those who are hurting financially, (workers and business owners.) Those seeking food pantry help for the first time. Those who this “stay in place” “social distancing” “isolation” has left them lonely, anxious, and depressed.

Wow….I guess I have really challenged you to adjust your prayer life!!! Think about it! The creator of the universe has given you a direct line to Him 24/7! You would be a fool not to use it!

You can also leave prayer requests at I will continue on this topic of prayer in my next 2 devotions.

Pastor Dave – (call me at 440-237-7958 ext. 118 if you need to talk).

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Friday – May 1, 2020

Yesterday I did a devotion about a lighthouse and how Jesus invites us to use Him as our lighthouse…how He is there for us in the storms that we face. He is there to help us navigate our way safely through physical storms, emotional storms, financial storms, relational storms, and of course spiritual storms. As our lighthouse He is a centering point on the horizon to keep us on the appointed route without crashing into the rocks and cliffs of life that are all around.

Today, I want to continue that image. Let’s begin with a neat little illustration. This illustration compares discovering God’s will with a sea captain’s docking procedure:

A certain harbor in Italy can be reached only by sailing up a narrow channel between dangerous rocks and shoals. Over the years, many ships have been wrecked, and navigation is hazardous. To guide the ships safely into port, three lights have been mounted on three huge poles in the harbor. When the three lights are perfectly lined up and seen as one, the ship can safely proceed up the narrow channel. If the pilot sees two of three lights, he knows he’s off course and in danger of crashing!

Interesting analogy that can easily be applied to the choices that we make throughout our lifetime.

What are the 3 lights that need to align before you make decisions?

  • Maybe money, time, success?
  • Maybe friends’ opinions, family response, morals?
  • Maybe popularity, career move, comfort?
  • Spend a few minutes answering this question for your daily choices….and then do it again for your big ticket choices.

God could have created robots, programmed to act a certain way, no choices and options. In love He chose to give us a free will, as well as guidance as to how to make choices that will please Him and to become all that He created us to be. God has provided three beacons to guide us. The same rules of navigation apply—the three lights must be lined up before it is safe for us to proceed. If only one or two align, we may be in crash mode. I would contend that God’s three harbor lights of guidance are:

  1. The Word of God! God’s Word is His gift to you to help you navigate your journey. His Word is the standard for your walk with the Lord. Your first question should be, “What does His Word say about this choice I am about to make?” Does the Bible speak about this decision…for it or against it? His Word is the foundation for our lives, everything should be built upon it. Psalm 119:105…Your word is a lamp for my feet,a light for my path. I love the way the message translation puts it… The wicked do their best to throw me off track, but I don’t swerve an inch from your course. I inherited your book on living; it’s mine forever— what a gift! And how happy it makes me! I concentrate on doing exactly what you say— I always have and always will.
  2. Prayer! It’s always wise to talk to wise people in your life before you make any life changing choices…but remembering that they are human as well. But God, the creator of the universe, wants you to seek His Wisdom! You can talk it over with Him. And yet, there is the problem for many people. We tend to talk AT God instead of WITH God. I encourage you to cut your talking AT God in half and then sit quietly for an equal amount of time. Listen for Him to whisper words of guidance, encouragement, or perhaps alternate plans. Philippians 4:6…Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
  3. Circumstances! Each of us are wired differently, set on different paths, put in different circumstances. Our journeys are different, and we have choices and options moment by moment. Some choices like what “will I eat for lunch” have small consequences…while others like careers, marriage, finances can have lasting consequences. God has placed you exactly where you are, uniquely created to make an impact for Him. We have all learned valuable lessons from past circumstances that can help us face new ones. Remember that life is not a spectator sport! God has a plan for you…and wants you to respond to His direction. The question is what would Jesus have you do with your life…and how would He have you respond to your circumstances. As Martin Luther would say, I pray that you are guided by the Holy Spirit in the school of experiences!

God’s Word, the morals, ethics, and priorities that He has given to you should guide you to a safe harbor. 1 Corinthians 10:31…Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  Did you notice that it said “whatever” you do?

So…what is the “whatever” that God has in mind for you?

Take time to assess how these 3 guiding tools can help you to navigate the waters you are traveling today (are there any storms on the horizon?)…Are you on the course that God has charted for you? Aligning the 3 lights will assure you that the directions you choose are from God and will lead you safely to accomplish His plans.

For example, what is God saying to you about reading daily devotions? What does He say to you about reading scripture daily? What are you hearing from God about His Word in your prayer life? (You are reading this, so it sounds like you are trying to be in alignment with God’s plan to grow closer to Him daily.)

How about other areas of your life? Are you in alignment with God’s 3 guiding lights? What is He guiding you to do?

How about online worship (at

How about participating in Servant Saturday?

How about reaching out to others during this coronavirus situation?

How about healing some relationship issues that have been broken for far too long?

How about using this stay at home time to re-assess all areas of your life.

Try using the 3 Lights mentioned above in all of your life choices?

Pastor Dave

(call me at 440-237-7958 ext.118 if you need to talk)

My next devotion will be Monday. Take time this weekend to worship with us online at I suggest you use the traditional service one day and the contemporary one the other day. Not only watch it…but actually participate…worship your Lord and Savior!!!!

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Thursday – April 30, 2020

One of the joys of my life and my ministry is the privilege of leading a group that we call LIFE HURTS GOD HEALS. How is that for a phrase that fits this coronavirus season as well as every day of your life!  The premise of this group is that we all deal with hurts, habits, and hang ups in our lives. We tend to deny, ignore, blame others, but that never fixes the problem! These traits make our lives unmanageable and rob us of the Joy Jesus offers us. Well, about 6 weeks ago we were told we could not meet due to social distancing, so I decided to write a daily devotion for my group. I wanted them to know that they were loved and missed, that they were not alone, that they are part of a bigger group. I wanted them to embrace the fact that God loves them and that He wants us to invite Him into our lives…to help us deal with our hurts, habits, hang ups.

Those devotions quickly spread to others wanting to receive the devotion through email (over 80 now)…and many of you forward them to family and friends….and some of you have found them at (resources). All of my past devotions can be found there.

I love to use illustrations and personal stories to share the Gospel. One of my favorite illustrations (not sure of the original author) can be helpful as we navigate life’s hurts, habits, hang ups. It goes like this:

In the darkest part of the night, a ship’s captain cautiously piloted his warship through the fog-shrouded waters. With straining eyes, he scanned the hazy darkness, searching for dangers lurking just out of sight. Then His worst fears were realized when he saw a bright light straight ahead. It appeared to be a vessel on a collision course with his ship. To avert disaster, he quickly radioed the oncoming vessel. “This is Captain Jeremiah Smith,” his voice crackled over the radio. “Please alter your course 10 degrees south! Over.”
To the captain’s amazement, the foggy image did not move. Instead, he heard back on the radio, “Captain Smith. This is Private Thomas Johnson. please alter your course 10 degrees north! Over.” Appalled at the audacity of the message, the captain shouted back over the radio, “Private Johnson, this is Captain Smith, and I order you to immediately alter your course 10 degree south! Over.” A second time the oncoming light did not budge. “With all due respect Captain Smith,” came the privates voice again, “I order you to alter your course immediately 10 degrees north! Over.” Angered and frustrated that this impudent sailor would endanger the lives of his men and crew, the captain growled back over the radio, “Private Johnson. I can have you 
court-martialed for this! For the last time, I command you on the authority of the United States government to alter your course 10 degrees to the South! I am a battleship!” The privates final transmission was chilling: “Captain Smith, sir. Once again with all due respect, I command you to alter your course 10 degrees to the North! I am a lighthouse!”

I bet you didn’t see that one coming!

Many of us in today’s world operate like the battleship captain…bigger and more important than anyone else. Going through life as if rules can be changed (or should be changed) to fit our personal needs and desires. Having a “get out of my way” attitude. Commercials egg us on: “Have it your way,” “Rules are made to be broken.” “you only live once so grab all the gusto”

In reality, we can’t always have it our way. We have to conform our lives to a higher truth, a higher authority. Truth is not going to change to accommodate us. We are the ones who must change to conform our lives to what’s true.

So, the question is where in your life do you act like you are the captain of that battleship? It’s your way or the highway. You have learned to rationalize why anything you do is ok…You blame and threaten others when your plan fails….or you didn’t get your way.

Do you act like that battleship in your job, marriage, parenting, finances…or maybe in your spiritual journey? Do you expect others (and even God) to move or change their plans to accommodate yours?

Who is the lighthouse in your life’s journey…the immovable object?

God’s truth is our lighthouse. His truth found in His Word is not going to change to accommodate us. Psalm 119:105…Your Word is a lamp for my feet. A light on my path. His Truth will lead us to safe waters. We are the ones who must change to conform our lives in order to accomplish His plans for your life. Jeremiah 29:11.. .For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Did you notice that there is no asterisk * there that says “unless you have a better plan”…or you “really don’t like God’s plan”.

Jesus is our lighthouse. The Bible teaches that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He will always be there for us. He is dependable. We Christians must conform our lives to His will for us. If He tells us to alter our courses, we have no choice but to obey. That’s what being a disciple is all about. And the best part is that He always knows best!!!! Lighthouses are especially important when storms appear, and we lose our way! Standing firm guiding us from perils.

And remember what the purpose of a lighthouse is…it’s to warn of hidden dangers, to center us and set as a reference point, to keep us on a safe path to accomplish our God given purpose…to get us safely to port.

God’s Word is the immovable standard by which all will be judged.

Spend some time this week meditating on these questions. What could represent the battleship in all areas of your life?

What (or who) should represent the lighthouse in all areas of your life?

What will happen if nothing is changed/moved?

What is God calling you to change/move?

What hurt, habit, hang-up is sending you on a collision course?

Is god calling you to change directions in some area of your life? In our Life Hurts God Heals group our goal is to look to God’s Word to help us deal with our hurts, habits, and hangups….to make healthy choices by letting God be the lighthouse…and adjusting our course accordingly.

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Wednesday – April 29, 2020

A few weeks ago, I read some headlines that bothered me and caused me to ponder their statements: “Coronavirus: can the government force churches to close?”…“Forced closing of House of Worship during Coronavirus”…“These churches refuse to close” and many more with similar impacts.

SO…let’s examine a headline that most news feeds will not print. GOD’S CHURCHES ARE NOT CLOSED…AND HIS HOME CHURCHES HAVE GROWN! The way we “do Church’ may look a little different as we have social distancing and isolation, but God is certainly bigger than a virus!!!!! And His church will prevail. Matthew 16:18… And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. (the message translation says) a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.

What is church? First of all, it is not a building. The church is the people! The communion of saints…the total number of those who believe in Christ. The Holy Spirit gathers and preserves the church. God uses the church to accomplish His purpose for us. Matthew 28:19-20… Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Where is the church? The Holy Christian Church is found where the Gospel is taught, and sacraments administered. The local congregation gathers around Word and sacrament.

What did the early Christian church look like? Acts 2:42-47…They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.  They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

WOW…I love that picture! Did you notice it was not limited to one location or one activity? They met daily in homes and temple courts. They studied, had fellowship, shared with those in need, met together, ate. They praised God, enjoyed each other…and God blessed them with growth.

I started thinking about a church like Royal Redeemer prior to the coronavirus world. We met in the sanctuary or in the activity center for worship, had Bible study, fellowship, Life Groups, school, children’s ministries, food. We praised God and enjoyed each other. We also went off campus…home life groups, Bible studies, fellowship, visited the sick, shut ins, home communion recipients, nursing home visits, food distribution, and much more. We also feed thousands with Care and Share dinner, Food distribution days, Servant Saturdays. And the Lord blessed us with growth. We were called or commissioned the same as in the year 33ad “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

But what about church life today, in the midst of social distancing, stay in place, isolation. Is it true that the church is closed? NO! Is our commission any different? NO! We are still called to go and make disciples of all nations. YES! It just looks a little different for now.

  • We still worship…we do it online for now!
  • We still study God’s Word…reading the bible privately, online studies, online groups and devotionals like this one and Pastor Harris devotions.
  • We still visit the sick, shut ins, hospital…but it’s typically with calls, skype, cards, and virtual hugs.
  • We still gather but in smaller groups now, we gather in our homes…which are places of worship. We gather thru zoom meetings, neighbors sitting in the driveway 6 feet apart.
  • We still feed many through the Food Pantry…. now serving 10 families a day, as well as 84 families on food distribution day.
  • We still offer words of Hope to those that life has hit hard…words of encouragement to those questioning the future, Words of forgiveness for those feeling guilt, conversations with those wrestling with hurts, habits, and hang ups.
  • And the Lord still blessed us.

So…what is your personal role in this coronavirus church season. For years I have used this:

CH_ _CH….what’s missing? The answer is “UR”!Well, I hope UR (you are) not missing from God’s church. The fact that you are reading this tells me you are connection with God and His Church….that’s great! Is your home a house that serves the Lord? Joshua 24:15….. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Are you worshiping as a family, doing bible study and devotions together, are you watching out for family, friends, and neighbors? Are you donating to churches, and to folks that you know are struggling, food pantries?  Are you praying for those hit hard by the virus and it’s collateral damages? Are you looking for opportunities to share the Good News with someone who needs to know that God and His church are alive and well?

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Tuesday – April 28, 2020

Matthew 7:24-25… “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

I recalled a story from a home we bought in Seven Hills in 1987. We were very excited to move in. We bought it from my parents’ lifelong friends who were retiring to Florida. Much to our surprise a big rain came and flooded our basement! That would be bad enough, but as we were still moving in, all of our boxes of things were put down there until we figured out where they would go…including our wedding pictures! We called the previous owners who were upset that we would accuse them of selling a flawed house, and in turn never spoke to my parents again.

It was too expensive to hire someone to dig up the basement…so I decided to do it myself, to get a shovel and for the next 3 months, after working all day, I would dig. I needed to go down 6 feet to get to the drainage tiles, meaning the dirt had to be thrown 12 feet out of the hole. When it rained the dirt washed back down into the hole. So, now that you see the situation…I will get to the (now funny) part.

My 90-year-old neighbor did not need a tv because every night I was his entertainment as he would get a chair, his glass of lemonade, and sit on the border line of his property and watch me dig. He never spoke…just watched. After 3 months, I had dug the whole back of the house, and most of the side of the house, when he got up and told me to get out of the hole and wanted to show me something. He led me to a specific spot in my front yard and said dig here. To humor him, I put the shovel down and stepped on it. The whole area caved it. He then spoke his words of wisdom and said “I told them so!” I asked why he never told me over these months of watching me dig, he said you didn’t ask!” Apparently, when the owners were selling, they were in Florida and the septic tank was crushed for a new sewer line, the construction guys did not connect my sump pump to the new line. Water pumped out of my house right back into my basement!!!!! It cost $10.00 for a plastic pipe to fix the problem.

I imagine you are laughing right about now…and wondering where is Dave going with the devotion for the day:

In reality, we are all flawed houses! Oh, on the outside we look good…we try to sell ourselves as flawless, but when the storms of life come along, we leak. God’s word is very clear that we all sin and fall short of God’s will for us. We are flooded by the consequences of our sin, which is death. Those with a solid foundation of God’s Word can withstand the flood waters better…but sin always looks for a way to seep into our lives.

I decided to do it myself!…God never planned for us to be Lone Ranger Christians. The Lone Ranger had Tonto, Adam had Eve, Paul had Barnabas, Moses had Aaron, and Jesus sent them out 2 by 2. Who are those special people that God has placed in your life to walk alone side of you, as a spiritual partner? Some may feel all alone, and yet God has provided His church. People to get down in the hole and dig with you. We have resources online, small groups, Life Hurts God Heals, and pastors like me.

My neighbor never spoke…he just watched. Who do you know that is walking outside of God’s plan, making poor choices, digging a deeper hole every day. You watch, but don’t want to get involved…or are afraid they won’t receive your observations graciously. And yet they need someone to call it to their attention…to point out where the real problem lies. To point out the solution in God’s Word. My neighbor had the truth about my basement but never shared it. He let me flail for months and then said “you didn’t ask!” God wants you to take the initiative. Don’t make those people that God has placed in your life flail aimlessly because they have not asked you. Take the lead, create a relationship, wait for the right moment, with grace approach them and share the truth of God’s Word.

Until I found out what the real problem was, I had the wrong fix in mind. The reality was it was easy to fix the problem. You, and those you know and love, all have the same sin problem. The symptoms may look different, but sin is always at the center of it. There is only one fix…and His Name is Jesus. 1 John 1:8-9… If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Build your life on the only sure foundation…Jesus Christ!

So…now what? Well, I hope you have a dry basement….but the question is how do you find the leaks in your Christian walk, and how do you fix them?

  • First of all, CONNECT with God every day! Pray throughout the day for guidance. Read His word daily and / or devotionals like this one.
  • Then, take action, FOLLOW HIS LEAD. What is He calling you to do, to change, to fix, to become? Step out in faith and let the Lord walk alongside of you. He may point out flaws for you to work on…or someone He wants you to walk alongside of.
  • God loves you unconditionally…and He calls you to LOVE SOMEONE! Who do you know that needs a smile, a call, a card or phone call, a wave over the back fence?
  • God fixes your sin problem, He restores your relationship with Him….and then wants you to RESTORE RELATIONSHIPS as best as you can. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt you…ask forgiveness from those you have hurt.

Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Monday – April 27, 2020

Have you ever prayed “Lord what do you want me to do in this particular situation I am facing…or during this hard season of my life?” I think we have all been there! Maybe you are asking those questions right now. Unfortunately, many times we ask God the question, but we then quickly stick our fingers in our ears, turn up the radio, and hope we don’t really hear His answer. He may ask us to do something hard, out of our comfort zone, time consuming. Acts 9:1-18 tells of God asking someone to do something he would rather not do.

This is a section about a guy named Saul who hated the followers of Jesus, was going to Damascus to cause evil to them, throw them in prison, have them killed. God thought this would be a good time to get Saul’s attention. You can read about it in Acts 9 starting in verse 1.

But….I want to talk about another guy who God used to reach Saul…in a way that made no sense and was very scary to a guy named Ananias! He is one of my bible heroes!

Acts 9:10-15… In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, “Ananias!” “Yes, Lord,” he answered.

The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying.  In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.”

“Lord,” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem.  And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.”

But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. 

Now… Those directions seem simple enough, but, talk about the uncertainty of that request and the fear of following God’s plan. Think about it…Go help that guy, who by the way, came with a plan and the authority to throw you into prison or have you killed. But, we see that in spite of the uncertain outward circumstances for Ananias and Saul…. God was in control, accomplishing his plan of restoration in the life of Saul. We see that Ananias followed God’s nudge, stepped out in faith (read Acts 9:17-19), and God blessed all of our lives as Saul became Paul who wrote many New Testament books about God’s love for us to study in the Bible.

God used Ananias to change the biggest opponent of Christianity, Saul, into the greatest evangelists, Paul…. Whose godly inspired words we read in the Bible…. Words that inspire us to face the uncertainties of our life.

So how about you?

When situations seem tough…God is nudging you and yet you’re facing uncertainty what do you do? Do you join the FUD CLUB…the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt club? Have you ever felt God calling you to do something…Or to go somewhere…And you say ”you got to be kidding me God.” “You want me to do what?”

When you are filled with uncertainty and fear do you question God’s plans for your life? We have all had to choose our next step…to either follow God or ignore Him! We have all come to that proverbial “Y” in the road… and had to choose which way to go.

DR SEUSS’ gives us some wisdom about trying to go our way and God’s way at the same time. Did I ever tell you about the young Zoad? Who came to a sign at the fork of the road? He looked one way and the other way too. The Zoad had to make up his mind what to do – Well, the Zoad scratched his head, And his chin, and his pants. – And he said to himself, “I’ll be taking a chance. If I go to Place One, that place may be hot. So how will I know if I like it or not. On the other hand, though, I’ll feel such a fool. If I go to Place Two and find it’s too cool. In that case I may catch a chill and turn blue. So Place One may be best and not Place Two. Play safe,” cried the Zoad, “I’ll play safe, I’m no dunce. I’ll simply start off to both places at once.” And that’s how the Zoad who would not take a chance. Went no place at all with a split in his pants.

Well… I have to admit… that I have split my pants a time or two not able to make the decision to trust God and move forward. I had to choose to follow God’s nudge 30 years ago, to quit my job, take a lower pay, become a youth and sports minister at Royal Redeemer. It was scary, seemed foolish, had no idea what it would look like. I took His lead…followed God’s nudge and He blessed my ministry.

So…how about you? What is God whispering in your ear?

  • About your finances, relationships, health, spiritual journey.
  • What is He saying about this coronavirus situation and how it is impacting you.
  • If you are struggling with loneliness, health issues, or financial uncertainty…is He nudging you to make some changes, to trust Him in the storm, to reach out to the church for help, to connect with Him in prayer and bible study?
  • Or perhaps He is saying “I have blessed you to be a blessing to others”. Does He want you to reach out with a phone call to someone to give them hope…or to help with a financial issue…or donate food or masks…or toilet paper. Is God calling you check in on your neighbors…or participate in the upcoming Servant Saturday weekend?
  • Is He saying take your fingers out of your ears so you can hear me. Is He calling you to be a modern day Ananias and lead someone to the loving arms of the Lord. This pandemic is a great time to point people to the loving arms of our Lord and Savior!

Pastor Dave

Call me if I can help 440-237-7958 ext.118