For questions or for more information, please email [email protected]

At Royal Redeemer, we celebrate God’s Word and want to get a deeper understanding of His Truth. We are excited to introduce Sunday Morning Adult Bible Classes. We have 5 classes to choose from: different topics, different lengths; different teachers. Classes will be held at 9:45, with the hope that you’ll attend class AND either the 8:30 traditional or the 11:00 contemporary services, as well. Sign up sheets and more info are also available in the Commons and Narthex. Please pray about being a part of these services. If you have questions, you can talk to either Pastor John or Pastor Mark.

God’s Word for God’s People
(Led by Max Toporowsky)
Romans & Relationships
(Led by Josh Pingel)
Jonah: It’s Not About a Whale
(Led by Pastor Jeff)
Defending the Faith
(Led by Tim Schneider)
Building Blocks for Marriage
(Led by Todd & Kathy Drum)