Remember 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, about how the body of Christ is made up of different parts? That’s how it is at Royal Redeemer.

We’re one body with a whole bunch of talented, useful parts: open arms that greet people, voices that sing in choirs and praise bands, feet that lead little children, hands that pray for others, ears that control sound equipment during worship services and eyes that control visuals and lighting, and more.

What part are you? Here are just some opportunities to contribute your skills and talents around Royal Redeemer:

Altar Guild

The Sanctuary Altar Guild maintains the chancel area for worship services in the Sanctuary each week. Responsibilities include cleaning the chancel, changing paraments and candles, and preparing (and cleaning up) Holy Communion elements. This team also prepares for baptisms, weddings, funerals and Confirmation services.

For contemporary worship in the (CAC), the CAC Altar Guild prepares and cleans up elements for Holy Communion and baptisms.

Training is available for new volunteers, and you won’t need to work alone until you’re comfortable doing so.

Contact Pastor Zahrte at

Caring Cafe

Whether you’re a culinary expert or just know how to follow a recipe, we need your cooking or baking skills on our Caring Cafe team. Every other month (or as needed), volunteers whip up a new batch of meals in Royal Redeemer’s kitchen. Meals are frozen and stored for later delivery to people who are:

  • Sick or recovering at home
  • New parents
  • Dealing with the death of a loved one
  • Struggling with other issues

Contact Terry Close at

Redeemer Kids

Redeemer Kids is always looking for adult and teen volunteers to help:

  • Teach Saturday evening and Sunday morning classes
  • Lead activities and groups of children during Vacation Bible School each summer
  • Plan and lead special children’s events

Contact Laura LeBaube at



There’s always time for food and fellowship before and/or after our weekend worship services. Help us serve pizza and pop on Saturday nights or doughnuts, juice and coffee on Sunday mornings. Training provided.


Be the first friendly face visitors and members see as they walk through our doors. Greeters welcome people at Royal Redeemer’s entrances before and after weekend worship services.

Welcome Center

Stand ready to provide directions, answer questions or just offer up a smile!

Contact Bennie Levy at


God created us to be instruments with the ability to sing and make music. If you’d like to share your musical talents, here are a few opportunities:

Contemporary Worship

Royal Redeemer has several Praise Bands that help lead contemporary worship services in the CAC on a rotating schedule. Praise band members also participate in special praise performances throughout the year.

Contact Roy Napoli at

Traditional Worship

Our Morning Glory Choir and Handbell Choir welcomes teens and adults regardless of musical background. This is a great way to enrich your worship experience and get connected with others.

The choir and handbell choir perform during select Sanctuary services or for special holiday presentations.

Contact Jennifer Manthey at

Prayer Ministry

Prayer ministers welcome worshipers for personal prayer after each worship service, ready to listen to prayer requests and pray aloud with people, as needed.

Training provided. Prayer ministers serve one weekend per month after their regular worship service.

Contact Terry Close at

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers provide one-on-one emotional and spiritual support for people going through a tough time or facing a crisis. They are trained to listen, care and encourage.

Contact Terry Close at

Tech Team

Worship is the heart of what we do at Royal Redeemer. Our Tech Team works behind the scenes to help create worship experiences through the use of multimedia.

  • Video projection (advancing slides)
  • Lighting (programming stage lights for services)
  • Stage and set design
  • Live stream equipment
  • Photography and video production (recording and editing videos)
  • Sound engineering (running the soundboard and setting up audio equipment for praise bands)

Contact Tracy Wilkens at

Worship Assistants

Worship assistants help before, during and after worship services. They greet worshipers, help them find seats (when needed), distribute bulletins, pass offering baskets, serve communion (on first and third weekends) and tidy up pews and chairs following worship. Volunteers serve on a rotating schedule.

Contact Pastor Zahrte at

Youth Ministry

The youth ministry team is always looking for more adult volunteers to:

  • Lead a confirmation small group
  • Chaperone events

Contact Christina Nelson at