Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Join the Red Letter Challenge!

By March 22, 2022 March 24th, 2022 Uncategorized

I am glad that you are seeking devotions to connect you to God and His Word. My weekly devotions will resume on May 26th.

I want to encourage all of you to join us for the RED LETTER CHALLENGE. This book has a short devotion each day for 40 days. Together, there will be hundreds of people using these devotions and reading the actual words of Jesus. You can pick up a copy of the book at Royal Redeemer during worship…or in a bin under the Sanctuary entrance portico during the week. We will also be doing a 7-week sermon series based on these devotions. We will do an introductory sermon this Sunday, and then you will begin reading the devotions starting Monday the 12th. Each week we will have a sermon based on the next week’s devotions that you will be reading. You can watch our sermon series based on these devotions at ROYRED.ORG/REDLETTERCHALLENGE/ or join us for worship by registering at ROYRED.ORG/UPCOMINGThere are many people that will be in small group discussions…I hope you have signed up to be in one of them. If you have not signed up but are interested, there are a few openings for a zoom group and one onsite group…contact Kim at to sign up.Pastor Dave