Since 1999, hundreds of Royal Redeemer members have served others locally or traveled to many far off countries to be Jesus’ hands and feet to those in need. People involved in MISSIONS will tell you this: the experience was life-changing for them!
Contact us at
Missions Garage Sale
The Indoor Missions Garage Sale is returning Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5! Beat the heat and shop in air-conditioned comfort for huge selections of household items for the home & garden, school, college dorms along with adult & children’s clothing, shoes, jewelry, and MUCH more! Cash only, please.
Friday, August 4, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, $5 per person admission
Saturday, August 5, 7:00 am – 12:30 pm, free admission
Donations will ONLY be accepted starting Sunday, July 30 at 2:00 pm
Questions? Call (440)237-7958 ext. 252
Building Hope in the City
BHITC is a Christian ministry focused on the renewal of urban Cleveland. It uniquely links suburban/urban congregations and volunteers to enhance to the Clark-Fulton- Stockyards areas of Cleveland. Their programs and initiatives seek to make the hope of the Gospel tangible across Cleveland. How can you help?
- Participate! Rally CLE takes place on September 10, 2022. Last year, RR provided a financial grant and a team of 20 volunteers who worked with W. 73rd Street residents. They built permanent flower boxes and trashcan enclosures, and cleaned up the street and sidewalks.
- Volunteer! BHITC has a variety of full- or part-time opportunities to serve and share God’s love. You can serve at The Hope Center as a tutor or provide daycare assistance; serve in a neighborhood cleanup; or help at one of their Common Threads Thrift Shops.
- Donate! During the month of July or any other time, you can designate a donation to BHITC. Give online at (select “BHITC” in the dropdown) or write “Building Hope” on the memo line of your check and place in the offering plate or mail it to the church.
- Reach out to and express your interest.
The HeavenTrain “Church-on-Wheels” bus is one of the ministries of Lighthouse, Inc. It has been serving Cleveland’s Central Neighborhood for over 40 years! They use a brightly painted bus to deliver a Christian message, offer a mini-VBS style program for the kids, and provide healthy lunches. HeavenTrain volunteers meet the kids and their caregivers where they live to carry a message of hope and transformation.
If you are looking for a local mission where your family can volunteer together, this may be the one for you! Children and teens 17 years and under, accompanied by a parent/guardian OR by a young, mature adult, are welcome to serve with the team on the 2nd and/or 4th Saturday of the month from May through early December.
Contact if you are interested in becoming a regular team member.
How can you support this mission?
- Volunteer! Bus drivers with a CDL and food truck/trailer drivers are needed.
- Contribute by check payable to RRLC (write “HeavenTrain” on the memo line) or give online under the “Giving” tab (select “HeavenTrain” from the dropdown).
- Donate new, small toys or children’s books for the Scripture memory verse “treasure box”.
- Indicate your interest through REALM by joining the HeavenTrain group.
- Above all…PRAY for God to do a mighty work in the hearts of our volunteers, children and caregivers.
H.A.R.P. (Helping Appalachian Rural People) & Local Repair
Teams help Cleveland area residents and Caldwell, Ohio seniors, disabled adults, victims of domestic assault, natural disaster victims, and low-income families on one-day or weekend light construction projects. (Visit H.A.R.P. Inc. for more details.) How can you support this mission?
- Join us and donate your time and talents. Don’t have construction skills? No worries, we can teach you.
- Pray for our teams and those we help.
- Reach out to and express your interest.
- Contribute to mission work with a check made payable to RRLC; write “HARP” on the memo line or donate online through Realm by selecting “HARP” on the drop-down list.
About H.A.R.P.
In 2005, H.A.R.P. formally incorporated as an Ohio 501(c) 3 not-for- profit. It is an evangelical Christian organization located in the town of Caldwell in southwestern Ohio. This area struggles with a 22% poverty rate and lacks accessibility to most social service agencies including Goodwill, Salvation Army, and the American Red Cross. Likewise, there are no homeless shelters or food pantries. H.A.R.P. provides vital social services to the community by aligning donations of resources to the greatest areas of need.
Dominican Republic
Teams travel to Los Alcarrizos in February to minister through construction projects, children’s Vacation Bible School, and women’s Bible studies. The next mission trip dates are being finalized for 2023. This a great mission experience for men, women, and youth (12-years and older). How can you support this mission?
- Reach out to and express your interest, or join the Dominican Republic Mission Team group on Realm.
- Pray for the mission team heading to the DR.
- Join the 2023 team.
- Contribute to mission work with a check made payable to RRLC; write “DR Mission Project” on the memo line or donate online through Realm by selecting “DR Mission Project” on the drop-down list.
Cleveland Pregnancy Center
Restoring Hope. Healing Hearts. Saving Lives. There are many ways to be involved with this ministry to women and men who are facing a crisis pregnancy. How can you support this mission?
- In January, we collect bottle brushes, rattles, teething rings, baby clippers, baby syringes, and/or hooded towels. There are (baskets/bins) located in the Commons and Narthex.
- Visit the Cleveland Pregnancy Center website to volunteer or donate.
- Reach out to and express your interest in helping.
- Pray for the CPC and those who utilize their services.
- Contributions can be made in a number of ways:
- Contribute by check made payable to RRLC and write “Cleveland Pregnancy Center” on the memo line.
- Donate online through Realm by selecting “CLE Pregnancy Ctr” on the drop-down list.
- Give by texting “GIVE” to (216) 208-6839.
St. Herman House - FOCUS Cleveland
Since 1977, St. Herman’s has been committed to sheltering and supporting homeless men on the path to well-being and independence, and meeting the basic survival needs of the homeless in Ohio City and Cleveland. St. Herman’s is operated by FOCUS North America. How can you support this mission?
- Place new, unused winter gloves, hats, thermal underwear, socks, and handwarmers in the labeled collection bins (located in the Commons and outside of the Gathering Room) throughout November.
- Cook a Thanksgiving turkey to be delivered to St. Herman’s. (Contact Art Boehm for specific instructions.)
- Gather a team of four (4) people to cook and serve a meal for 50-100 people. (Contact Art Boehm for specific instructions.)
- Pray for the men at St. Herman’s and the work that gets done there, too!
- Reach out to and express your interest.
- Contribute to mission work with a check made payable to RRLC; write “St. Herman’s” on the memo line or donate online through Realm by selecting “St. Herman’s” on the drop-down list.
Email Art Boehm at or visit St. Herman’s to learn more.
Operation Christmas Child
Royal Redeemer partners with Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. We collect gift-filled shoeboxes to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.
You may sponsor a child’s education for $250 per year at Cap Haitian Premier Lutheran Church & School. Pray for Haiti and for the opportunity to assist with future construction projects to improve the lives of the Haitian people.