Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Saturday – March 21, 2020

By March 17, 2022 Uncategorized

Good Morning! Remember that every day is a gift from God…use it wisely.I want to expand on a concept in a little different approach. I think many of us these days are focussing on:Things we want (and maybe need), and yet don’t seem to be able to find like:

  • toilet paper
  • bread
  • hand sanitizers
  • face masks
  • restaurants and bars that are open
  • and even open churches

These can consume us….and yet I want us to focus on things that we have and yet aren’t always thankful for, like:

  • God’s unconditional Love. Thank Him for the fact that He loves you in spite of you! The fact that nothing can separate you from His Love!
  • God’s church. Thank the Lord His church (Royal Redeemer) that prays for you…listens to your concerns…has a food pantry…offers online worship…sends you email devotionals…is there to help any way we can!
  • Your health and abilities. Thank the Lord for the fact that your body is God’s temple…keep it as safe and as strong as possible. When allergies, colds, flu, and even corona come your way…lean on the Lord for comfort, and be thankful for a soft bed, medicine and a cup of warm soup!
  • Your jobs and income. Thank the Lord for His past blessings. If this pandemic has not impacted you financially…thank the Lord!  If it has cost you your job and money is short…be thankful for what you have and the fact that this pandemic will end, that the government is working to provide some help, utilities are being understanding, your church has a food pantry!
  • The Gospel. Thank the Lord that in spite of the fact that the wages of sin is death…that  God sent His son, Jesus, to pay your sin debt! You are forgiven! You will spend eternity with the Lord, where there will never be a pandemic,there will be no need for hospitals, hospice, funeral homes!
  • Your family and friends. Thank the Lord for every person that God has placed in your life. This is a great time to thank the Lord for each one of them. If you have broken relationships, call them today and try to make amends. reach out to all of you family with love and concern.

Count your blessings…write them down…and thank the Giver of all good things!So….my challenges for you today are to:

  • Take time today to thank the Lord for His unconditional Love for you!
  • To reach out to at least three people today! Let them know that someone care!
  • To pray for all those in your circle of family, co-workers, and  friends. Pray for their physical, Spiritual, financial, emotional, and relational health.
  • Go to (starting this evening,into tomorrow, and all week long) and worship with us. Pastor Zahrte will be leading an online traditional and contemporary worship service. Always, but especially at times like this, we need to come to the Lord in worship, praise, and to thank our Lord and Savior!!!!!
  • Know that I am here if needed….email…text…call!
  • Pass this on to anyone who could use it.

Lord…Life seems upside down…complicated…unsure what tomorrow will bring. Remind is that your Love never changes. When pain, grief, fear set in….comfort us with your presence. When loneliness, depression, anxiety set in, remind us that we can cast our anxieties on you Lord because you care for us! Hold your umbrella of Love protect us from the storms of life. Be with those who are out there in the trenches…nurses, doctors, pharmacists, food delivery people, truck drivers, police, fire, store personnel, pastors and clergy, funeral homes, nursing homes, hospice, special needs care givers. Protect them and use them to your Glory Lord. Amen.