Devotions by Pastor Dave Timm: Wednesday – August 25, 2021

By March 22, 2022 March 24th, 2022 Uncategorized

A candidate for church membership was asked, “What part of the Bible do you like best?” The man said: “I like the New Testament best.” Then he was asked, “What Book in the New Testament is your favorite?” He answered, “The Book of the Parables, Sir.” They then asked him to relate one of the parables to the membership committee. And a bit uncertain, he began…

Once upon a time a man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves, and the thorns grew up and choked the man. And he went on and met the Queen of Sheba, and she gave that man, Sir, a thousand talents of silver, and a hundred changes of raiment. And he got in his chariot and drove furiously, and as he was driving along under a big tree, his hair got caught in a limb and left him hanging there! And he hung there many days and many nights. The ravens brought him food to eat and water to drink. And one night while he was hanging there asleep, his wife Delilah came along and cut off his hair, and he fell on stony ground. And it began to rain and rained forty days and forty nights. And he hid in a cave. Later he went on and met a man who said, “Come in and take supper with me.” But he said, “I can’t come in, for I have married a wife.” And the man went out into the highways and hedges and compelled him to come in! He then came to Jerusalem and saw Queen Jezebel sitting high and lifted up in a window of the wall. When she saw him she laughed, and he said, “Throw her down out of there,” and they threw her down. And he said, “Throw her down again,” and they threw her down seventy-times-seven. And the fragments which they picked up filled twelve baskets full! NOW,” the man asked as he stared down the committee, “whose wife will she be in the day of the Judgment?”

The membership committee agreed that this was indeed a knowledgeable candidate!

I could not help but laugh as I read that! And yet, it may reflect the lack of Biblical knowledge that most of us have. If you have been reading my devotions or listened to me teach and preach…you would have heard me say over and over again to read God’s Word. (And to do it daily!) It’s God’s Word to guide you closer to Him and to His plan for your life. The Bible is God’s way of communicating with you…it has been called Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

Psalm 119:105…Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

I know some will say:

  • “it’s too hard to understand”
  • “it’s so big I can never read it all” “where do I begin?”
  • “it’s just there for the professionals to read”
  • “I am so busy…and by the way, I go to worship at least once a month”

The God of the universe has written you a love letter…His Word to you!

2 Timothy 3:16-17…All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness,  so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Well, I suggest that you start by getting a good devotional book. (See me if you need help). A devotional book will take a section of scripture and unpack it, making it easy to apply to your daily lives. There are many to choose from.

I also use a study guide. I use “Today’s Light” from Concordia Publishing. It goes through the Bible in a 2-year cycle. I also suggest that you purchase a study Bible. I suggest the “The Lutheran Study Bible” from Concordia Publishing. Study Bibles have a lot of notes and study helps so you can better understand the verses. Another helpful tool is called a Parallel Bible. These have 2 different translations side by side on the page. I like the NIV / Message side by side. This can help you get 2-word choices for the same verse.

Most importantly….pray for God to speak to you as you read. Ask Him to speak into your life…seek His Wisdom for your day. The Holy Spirit works through the Word.

Isaiah 55:11…so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

It’s your job to read His Word…and The Spirit’s job to impact your life! So, what’s a summary of the powerful story found in the Bible: Love!

The Bible paints a picture of a loving God who created all things from nothing! He made paradise…The Garden of Eden…and “it was good”. He put the man (Adam) into the garden to enjoy it and have a perfect relationship with Him. Sadly, he (and Eve) wanted to be their own God…they sinned…and the perfect relationship with God was destroyed. But God…still loved them (and us) in spite of our sinful rebellion and sinful nature. God sent His Son (Jesus) to live a sinless life in our place…to die (pay the price that you cannot pay for your sin)…and to restore your relationship with God. Now, we know that we still sin…and we know that God still loves us unconditionally. Because He Loves us and wants the best for us, He wants us to cast off the old self and put on His new self.

If you believe this to be true…then how can you not want to read the rest of the story as God writes to you in His Bible? Don’t put it off. Start in the book of John (New Testament) …read a chapter a day. Get to know more about your Lord and Savior.


Why couldn’t Jonah trust the ocean? Because he knew there was something fishy about it.

Who was the greatest financier in the Bible? Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone was in liquidation.

Where was Solomon’s temple located? On the side of his head.

Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible? When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.

What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden? Your mother ate us out of house and home.